January 7, 2022

Shine Squad Resolutions for 2022

Shine Squad Resolutions for 2022
"Let's make 2022 the best year we've had in a while! One thing I am looking forward to is that 2022 is also the year we finally get to meet one another face to face at the Clean & Tidy Home Show!"

Lee | Officially Hinched

Read more about Lee's new year here

"After the uncertain couple of years we have all had it is completely ok if you feel like looking ahead into the New Year is overwhelming and you’re just trying to get through each day/ week/ month.  There are so many external factors affecting everything that we do at the moment so I find that setting myself daily and weekly goals is more realistic and motivates me as I am more likely to achieve them.  That’s not to say that I don’t still have dreams and things that I would love to do in my life, but I try to focus on the here and now, treating every day as a fresh start and being kind to myself if things do or don’t turn out exactly the way I had hoped."

Laura | Lauracleanaholic

"I haven’t put pressure on myself to set any specific goals this year but I definitely want to put my phone down a bit more and focus on self care."

Rebecca | Little House on a Budget

"My ambition this year is to get back into fitness and a more healthy lifestyle for my wedding in September - me and my fiancée hope to keep on top of exercise home and gym workouts and healthy eating with meal prep for work."

Beth | Cleaning with Beth

"I don’t tend to make New Years resolutions as I find them quite hard to stick to, but instead make small goals to aim towards, this year I am aiming to make more time for self care & include it even if it’s just 30 minutes a day of doing something for me!"

Emma | Declutter with Emma

"My New Years resolutions are going to be 1. Spend more time with family 2. Lose that pandemic timber 3. Finish some DIY jobs around the house. I usually break them by February but this I’m determined!!!"

Ben | Ben6987

"My new year resolution is to treat myself to self care time at least twice a week. Even something as simple as a cuppa and a few chapters of a book, it’s important to look after yourself when you try and look after everyone else."

Emma | Crazy Cleaning Crawford

"I don’t really set New Years resolutions but I definitely want to spend more time with my family and plan my wedding for next year and also finish decorating my house and hoping to get round to sorting my garden out."

Charley | x_myhome_x

"As a parent you put your needs last to focus on making sure your family is happy and healthy. Sadly, this means you can lose your identity along the way. So for me 2022 is about getting back in tune with myself again. Doing more for me and claiming back my identity of Kaya and not just Mum."

Kaya | Mrs Peachy Clean

"I have 2 New Year's resolutions; 1. start running again and 2. publish my cleaning book - coming soon!"

Yohann | Frency Home Cleaning

"I've never been a person to want to make New Years resolutions, I've never been a "new year new me" type of person, although a personal goal this year is to make more time for me, to sit down and watch that tv episode & tell my self the dishwasher can wait!"

Laura | Cleaning at 83

"My New Years resolution as a new mum is to put the washing away after every single load.  Putting washing away is my worst nightmare and if I let it build up I become stressed as I am overwhelmed with clean washing!  I have realised from last year that when I try and do too many things at once I find I am rushing around, I end up stressed out and tend to get nothing done!"

Lucy | Cleaning with Lucy

"Let's make 2022 the best year we've had in a while! One thing I am looking forward to is that 2022 is also the year we finally get to meet one another face to face at the Clean & Tidy Home Show!"

Lee | Officially Hinched

Read more about Lee's new year here

"After the uncertain couple of years we have all had it is completely ok if you feel like looking ahead into the New Year is overwhelming and you’re just trying to get through each day/ week/ month.  There are so many external factors affecting everything that we do at the moment so I find that setting myself daily and weekly goals is more realistic and motivates me as I am more likely to achieve them.  That’s not to say that I don’t still have dreams and things that I would love to do in my life, but I try to focus on the here and now, treating every day as a fresh start and being kind to myself if things do or don’t turn out exactly the way I had hoped."

Laura | Lauracleanaholic

"I haven’t put pressure on myself to set any specific goals this year but I definitely want to put my phone down a bit more and focus on self care."

Rebecca | Little House on a Budget

"My ambition this year is to get back into fitness and a more healthy lifestyle for my wedding in September - me and my fiancée hope to keep on top of exercise home and gym workouts and healthy eating with meal prep for work."

Beth | Cleaning with Beth

"I don’t tend to make New Years resolutions as I find them quite hard to stick to, but instead make small goals to aim towards, this year I am aiming to make more time for self care & include it even if it’s just 30 minutes a day of doing something for me!"

Emma | Declutter with Emma

"My New Years resolutions are going to be 1. Spend more time with family 2. Lose that pandemic timber 3. Finish some DIY jobs around the house. I usually break them by February but this I’m determined!!!"

Ben | Ben6987

"My new year resolution is to treat myself to self care time at least twice a week. Even something as simple as a cuppa and a few chapters of a book, it’s important to look after yourself when you try and look after everyone else."

Emma | Crazy Cleaning Crawford

"I don’t really set New Years resolutions but I definitely want to spend more time with my family and plan my wedding for next year and also finish decorating my house and hoping to get round to sorting my garden out."

Charley | x_myhome_x

"As a parent you put your needs last to focus on making sure your family is happy and healthy. Sadly, this means you can lose your identity along the way. So for me 2022 is about getting back in tune with myself again. Doing more for me and claiming back my identity of Kaya and not just Mum."

Kaya | Mrs Peachy Clean

"I have 2 New Year's resolutions; 1. start running again and 2. publish my cleaning book - coming soon!"

Yohann | Frency Home Cleaning

"I've never been a person to want to make New Years resolutions, I've never been a "new year new me" type of person, although a personal goal this year is to make more time for me, to sit down and watch that tv episode & tell my self the dishwasher can wait!"

Laura | Cleaning at 83

"My New Years resolution as a new mum is to put the washing away after every single load.  Putting washing away is my worst nightmare and if I let it build up I become stressed as I am overwhelmed with clean washing!  I have realised from last year that when I try and do too many things at once I find I am rushing around, I end up stressed out and tend to get nothing done!"

Lucy | Cleaning with Lucy

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