May 1, 2022

Moving Home made easy

Moving Home made easy

You have sold your home and you have purchased a new one. The excitement is brewing, but it is tempered with fear of the unknown. And the to do list is overwhelming.

The weeks leading into a relocation or move of home are known to be incredibly stressful. There is always so much to do extra to what you are already doing. To be frank the earlier you start to think about your move and to plan for it the easier it will be.

Think about your future move before you even put your current home on the market.

You have made the decision to leave your current home so no time like the present to start sorting through your things and deciding what is moving with you and what is no longer serving its purpose in your life and can therefore be let go.

Letting Go - Decluttering

Marie Kondo in her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, introduced us to the ultimate question to ask of the things in our lives. “Does it Spark Joy?" Sometimes not the easiest question to answer, but once you know what that spark of joy is for you, you will find it a whole lot easier to let go of the things no longer serving you.

As you start to let go and declutter, its time to organise and style your home. Prepare it for sale, make it look homely, sparkling clean and tidy. Make it stand out from the crowd so that it appeals to your target buyers.


Once the sold signs are up, on your current home and new home, you have on average 8 weeks before move day. Whilst a lot could change in that 8 weeks you need to keep moving forward and making plans for the big day.

Your move countdown checklist:

8 weeks out

Continue your ‘letting go’ journey. Leave no item untouched. If something is broken, let it go. If something is beyond economic use, let it go. If you have multiples of items, let them go.

Your things that no longer spark joy - sell, donate, recycle and if necessary hire a skip.

Collate memories - label up photos and video recordings - create a memory box.

Speak to removal companies - ask for quotes for move only and for packing and moving.

Be aware that the less things that you have to move the cheaper it will be! This is a great incentive to keep on with your letting go journey.

Start to tell people you are moving - especially your letting agent if you are in rented and you need to give 2 months notice.

Plan time off work

Start to think about and arrange Goodbye meet ups - especially if you are relocating out of your current area.

6 weeks to go

Consider in finer detail where your things are going to live in your new home. Draw up the floor plan for each room and double check that everything you are taking with you will fit.

Will your current sofa and chairs fit, will your dining table fully extend - whilst you probably asked these questions before you made your offer, at that time you may have been thinking of replacing some of your furniture with new - but maybe your situation has changed or there are delays on your new orders.

Be clear in your mind what you will be taking with you.

These plans will also help your removal team when they are unpacking.

Arrange for any charity donation pick ups for furniture that you are not taking.

Arrange for any appliances that may need disconnection - eg gas ovens and ranges Food Supplies - Work out your meal plans for the coming weeks so they include lots of your store cupboard items. Again, no point in taking it with you - you can replenish stocks once you have moved.

If you are packing up yourself arrange to have boxes delivered or start to collect boxes.

You will also need packing tape, tape dispenser, large sticky labels and marker pens.

Start to pack up items that you have sorted but won’t be needed until after the move (if you are packing yourself).

Check your home insurance - specifically that you will be covered for your items in transit during the move and if there are any delays.

4 weeks to go

Book a final service from existing suppliers - eg Window cleaners, gardeners, cleaner - Rearrange them to attend your new home if in the same area or cancel them. Perhaps

buy a little thank you gift as a farewell.

Get in touch with the owners of your new home and ask for recommendations for local services.

Create a file (Home Manual) for the new owners of your home with a list of local trades & services, how to instruction manuals, what’s on locally, up to date takeout menus etc.

3 weeks to go

Start to set aside the things that will need to travel with you in the car to your new home - for example - passports, driving licence, other important documents - medical,

insurance. Put them in a briefcase or secure bag ensuring they are safe (locked bag), yet accessible.

Arrange child care or pet care if needed for the move day. Dogs and cats can get very nervous with the changes and cats frequently go missing on move day and don’t make the move at all.

Confirm your moving plan - if you have overnight accommodation booked.

If you haven’t done so already now is the time to clear any sheds or garages and dispose of any hazardous waste - eg paint, oil, fertilisers that won’t be going with you.

If you haven’t already done so clear the loft and cellar, making necessary arrangements for disposal or collection.

Book the set up of TV and Internet services for your new home and set in place cancellation for your current services.

2 weeks to go to move day and (after exchange of contracts)

Arrange to have your mail redirected to your new home.

Begin to send out change of address notifications.

Sign up for new Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists

Finish off the Home Manual you started for your new owners.

Do an extra back up of all computers and devices in your home - its worth buying an external hard drive for this specific purpose - give the hard drive to a trusted friend for safe-keeping.

1 week to go to move day - it’s now getting very scariciting but the overwhelm has hopefully dissipated as you begin the final count down.

Cancel any deliveries - milk, newspapers, other subscriptions

Return anything borrowed from local libraries or friends

Curate your first night essentials box for your new home - this will go with you in the car.

Clothing, bathing/shower towels and gels, snacks, bottles of water, toilet paper, medication, torch, first aid kit, charges for devices, kettle, mugs, tea, coffee and biscuits.

The last few days in your home will be taken up with the packing - if you have a team from the removal company coming to do this, make sure you have already packed your first night essentials box into your car and ensure that your briefcase or bag with all the essential documentation is in a safe space where the removal team can’t pack it away accidentally.

Before the removal team arrive be sure to defrost and clean the fridge and freezer. Clean thoroughly any other appliances that are staying. Eat food that has been opened and any final items from the freezer.

Start your final clean of your current home. Go through each room, wipe surfaces with a damp clean cloth, vacuum the floors, ensure nothing is left in any room, spray some essential oils and then close the door and move onto the next room. When you get to your hallway, pick up your personal items, put on your shoes, tuck your slippers under your arm, pick up your cleaning cloth and vacuum cleaner, lock the front door and wave a fond farewell to the home that served you well.

Onwards to your next season in life - smile and celebrate.


If you would like help in sorting through your things before your move then my decluttering and organising services could be right for you. You can contact me via - alternatively you can search to find your local source of help

Read more about the author here

You have sold your home and you have purchased a new one. The excitement is brewing, but it is tempered with fear of the unknown. And the to do list is overwhelming.

The weeks leading into a relocation or move of home are known to be incredibly stressful. There is always so much to do extra to what you are already doing. To be frank the earlier you start to think about your move and to plan for it the easier it will be.

Think about your future move before you even put your current home on the market.

You have made the decision to leave your current home so no time like the present to start sorting through your things and deciding what is moving with you and what is no longer serving its purpose in your life and can therefore be let go.

Letting Go - Decluttering

Marie Kondo in her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, introduced us to the ultimate question to ask of the things in our lives. “Does it Spark Joy?" Sometimes not the easiest question to answer, but once you know what that spark of joy is for you, you will find it a whole lot easier to let go of the things no longer serving you.

As you start to let go and declutter, its time to organise and style your home. Prepare it for sale, make it look homely, sparkling clean and tidy. Make it stand out from the crowd so that it appeals to your target buyers.


Once the sold signs are up, on your current home and new home, you have on average 8 weeks before move day. Whilst a lot could change in that 8 weeks you need to keep moving forward and making plans for the big day.

Your move countdown checklist:

8 weeks out

Continue your ‘letting go’ journey. Leave no item untouched. If something is broken, let it go. If something is beyond economic use, let it go. If you have multiples of items, let them go.

Your things that no longer spark joy - sell, donate, recycle and if necessary hire a skip.

Collate memories - label up photos and video recordings - create a memory box.

Speak to removal companies - ask for quotes for move only and for packing and moving.

Be aware that the less things that you have to move the cheaper it will be! This is a great incentive to keep on with your letting go journey.

Start to tell people you are moving - especially your letting agent if you are in rented and you need to give 2 months notice.

Plan time off work

Start to think about and arrange Goodbye meet ups - especially if you are relocating out of your current area.

6 weeks to go

Consider in finer detail where your things are going to live in your new home. Draw up the floor plan for each room and double check that everything you are taking with you will fit.

Will your current sofa and chairs fit, will your dining table fully extend - whilst you probably asked these questions before you made your offer, at that time you may have been thinking of replacing some of your furniture with new - but maybe your situation has changed or there are delays on your new orders.

Be clear in your mind what you will be taking with you.

These plans will also help your removal team when they are unpacking.

Arrange for any charity donation pick ups for furniture that you are not taking.

Arrange for any appliances that may need disconnection - eg gas ovens and ranges Food Supplies - Work out your meal plans for the coming weeks so they include lots of your store cupboard items. Again, no point in taking it with you - you can replenish stocks once you have moved.

If you are packing up yourself arrange to have boxes delivered or start to collect boxes.

You will also need packing tape, tape dispenser, large sticky labels and marker pens.

Start to pack up items that you have sorted but won’t be needed until after the move (if you are packing yourself).

Check your home insurance - specifically that you will be covered for your items in transit during the move and if there are any delays.

4 weeks to go

Book a final service from existing suppliers - eg Window cleaners, gardeners, cleaner - Rearrange them to attend your new home if in the same area or cancel them. Perhaps

buy a little thank you gift as a farewell.

Get in touch with the owners of your new home and ask for recommendations for local services.

Create a file (Home Manual) for the new owners of your home with a list of local trades & services, how to instruction manuals, what’s on locally, up to date takeout menus etc.

3 weeks to go

Start to set aside the things that will need to travel with you in the car to your new home - for example - passports, driving licence, other important documents - medical,

insurance. Put them in a briefcase or secure bag ensuring they are safe (locked bag), yet accessible.

Arrange child care or pet care if needed for the move day. Dogs and cats can get very nervous with the changes and cats frequently go missing on move day and don’t make the move at all.

Confirm your moving plan - if you have overnight accommodation booked.

If you haven’t done so already now is the time to clear any sheds or garages and dispose of any hazardous waste - eg paint, oil, fertilisers that won’t be going with you.

If you haven’t already done so clear the loft and cellar, making necessary arrangements for disposal or collection.

Book the set up of TV and Internet services for your new home and set in place cancellation for your current services.

2 weeks to go to move day and (after exchange of contracts)

Arrange to have your mail redirected to your new home.

Begin to send out change of address notifications.

Sign up for new Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists

Finish off the Home Manual you started for your new owners.

Do an extra back up of all computers and devices in your home - its worth buying an external hard drive for this specific purpose - give the hard drive to a trusted friend for safe-keeping.

1 week to go to move day - it’s now getting very scariciting but the overwhelm has hopefully dissipated as you begin the final count down.

Cancel any deliveries - milk, newspapers, other subscriptions

Return anything borrowed from local libraries or friends

Curate your first night essentials box for your new home - this will go with you in the car.

Clothing, bathing/shower towels and gels, snacks, bottles of water, toilet paper, medication, torch, first aid kit, charges for devices, kettle, mugs, tea, coffee and biscuits.

The last few days in your home will be taken up with the packing - if you have a team from the removal company coming to do this, make sure you have already packed your first night essentials box into your car and ensure that your briefcase or bag with all the essential documentation is in a safe space where the removal team can’t pack it away accidentally.

Before the removal team arrive be sure to defrost and clean the fridge and freezer. Clean thoroughly any other appliances that are staying. Eat food that has been opened and any final items from the freezer.

Start your final clean of your current home. Go through each room, wipe surfaces with a damp clean cloth, vacuum the floors, ensure nothing is left in any room, spray some essential oils and then close the door and move onto the next room. When you get to your hallway, pick up your personal items, put on your shoes, tuck your slippers under your arm, pick up your cleaning cloth and vacuum cleaner, lock the front door and wave a fond farewell to the home that served you well.

Onwards to your next season in life - smile and celebrate.


If you would like help in sorting through your things before your move then my decluttering and organising services could be right for you. You can contact me via - alternatively you can search to find your local source of help

Read more about the author here

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