The design, glow and scent of candles bring so much to our homes, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to choose the right candle for you and the person, or puppy, you love.
Everyone is unique and we all know what we like. So, think about your special person’s preferences for styles and scents. Do they love hearts and roses, sweet and flowery scents, or is their preference for abstract shapes and salty scents? Check out their favourite perfume or aftershave and how they style their spaces for clues of which candles to buy.
If your best friend is your puppy, or another pet, the same rules apply, just be careful about lighting candles where they can reach them! Puppies come in all shapes and sizes by the way, from new-born to senior citizens, they’re all still puppies, just like we’re all still children inside, come on, you know you are. Unwritten’s puppy candles feature in Pickle cottage the home of Stacey Solomon.
The right lighting has a wonderful impact on the ambiance of a room, of a dinner table, or of curling up and watching a romantic movie together. So set thes cene for Valentine’s Day by turning the lights down low and placing your carefully chosen scented candles in just the right place to put you and your loved one in the mood for romance.
You can do this for one person, for your best pet friend, or for your whole family and friends, whoever you do it for they’ll never forget it, and the scent of the candles you choose will forever take them back to you.
The design, glow and scent of candles bring so much to our homes, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to choose the right candle for you and the person, or puppy, you love.
Everyone is unique and we all know what we like. So, think about your special person’s preferences for styles and scents. Do they love hearts and roses, sweet and flowery scents, or is their preference for abstract shapes and salty scents? Check out their favourite perfume or aftershave and how they style their spaces for clues of which candles to buy.
If your best friend is your puppy, or another pet, the same rules apply, just be careful about lighting candles where they can reach them! Puppies come in all shapes and sizes by the way, from new-born to senior citizens, they’re all still puppies, just like we’re all still children inside, come on, you know you are. Unwritten’s puppy candles feature in Pickle cottage the home of Stacey Solomon.
The right lighting has a wonderful impact on the ambiance of a room, of a dinner table, or of curling up and watching a romantic movie together. So set thes cene for Valentine’s Day by turning the lights down low and placing your carefully chosen scented candles in just the right place to put you and your loved one in the mood for romance.
You can do this for one person, for your best pet friend, or for your whole family and friends, whoever you do it for they’ll never forget it, and the scent of the candles you choose will forever take them back to you.