ask Lenny...

Mirror mirror on the wall

Mirror mirror on the wall
Dear Lenny,

Hi Lenny, I am struggling to get my mirrors streak free, please can you help?

Julia, Leeds

Last time I told you about the shaving foam bathroom mirror trick, now I’m going to give you a tip on how to clean your other mirror and shiny surfaces!

Pop the kettle on, because you’re going to need the tea bag and its tannic acid cleaning powers!

Now darlings, let the tea bag brew in boiling water until it cools down, then either pop it in a handy spray bottle, or soak your cloth in it and wipe. It will also work on glass fronted microwaves and all other shiny surfaces!

You can even use green tea to give that added fresh smell! And why not make yourself a well deserved cuppa at the same time? Fabulous!

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